Required Training for Each Position
Latest Boy Scout Training Information
Boy Scout Leader Fast Start
Fast Start training should be taken by any new leader within a few days of when they accepted the job and before the adult comes in contact with boys. But while a good introduction to the program, it is just a teaser of better training to come. It is the responsibility of the unit committee, or the pack trainer for packs that have position filled, to be sure new leaders take fast start training and then gone on to complete the full training described below. The course can be taken online at
Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection Training provides adult volunteers with an understanding about child abuse and the youth protection policies of the Boy Scouts of America. This course is required for every adult volunteer within Scouting. Re-certification is required at least once every two years. Sessions can also be scheduled for units or other groups upon request. Additionally, the class can be taken online at
Pender UMC Youth Protecting Training
All “Direct Contact” Volunteers, basically everyone who attends campouts, must watch the Youth Protection DVD training once and annually sign the agreement. This is required by our chartering organization, Pender UMC.
This is Scouting
For adult leaders with no background in Scouting, this on-line training course will introduce the mission and vision of the Scouting program. The course can be taken online at
Boy Scout Leader Specific Training for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters
This is a day-long class focusing on the tasks that SM and ASM's have to deal with routinely. This is the first of two required training sessions to be considered trained as a scoutmaster or assistant scoutmaster and to wear the Trained strip for a SM or ASM (the other session is Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills). It will provide you with a basic understanding of what it means to become a boy scout leader and how to foster and lead a boy-run, patrol method based troop.
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills
This is a two-day program of instruction designed to teach scouting leaders skills in the outdoors. It starts on a Friday evening and ends at about 8:00pm on Saturday. It is designed to address the outdoor training needs of Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Troop Committee Members, Venturing leaders, District Staff and Webelos Den Leaders. Attendees will camp out using their own or shared equipment and will cook their meals in a patrol setting. Formal skills training sessions include hands-on work and information for Scouting leaders in: leave no trace, ropes (whipping, tying, lashing), woods tools (knife, saw, ax), fire site preparation & building, cooking, first aid, plant identification, camp gadgets, campfire preparation, packing & hiking techniques, map & compass reading, animal identification.
Troop Committee Challenge
Boy Scout Troop Committee Training, known as the Troop Committee Challenge, is designed for the Troop Committee Chairman, Committee Members and interested parents. It is a half-day class, usually taught on a Saturday morning. This training will help troop committee members deliver a quality program in support of the troop, the Scoutmaster, and the Scouts, by helping to build the commitment of individual committee members, as well as cultivating a better troop committee team. This course can be taken online at
Supplemental Training:
Weather Hazards Training:
Weather Hazards training is mandatory for at least one adult on each tour. The course includes training, testing, and additional resources on weather conditions that may be encountered during BSA activities, including lightning, flash floods, tornadoes, hot and cold weather, hail, and hurricanes. Participants who complete the course earn a Weather Smart Certificate of Completion. The course content is appropriate for Boy Scouts and
Venturers as well as adult leaders. The course can be taken online at
Safe Swim Defense / Safety Afloat:
Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat is required by at least one adult for any activity on swift water. The course includes training, testing, and additional resources on water risks that may be encountered during BSA activities. The course content is appropriate for Boy Scouts and Venturers as well as adult leaders. The course can be taken online at
Climb on Safely:
Climb on Safely is required by at least one adult for any activity involving climbing and/or rappelling. The course includes training, testing, and additional resources on climbing and rappelling risks that may be encountered during BSA activities. The course content is appropriate for Boy Scouts and Venturers as well as adult leaders. The course can be taken online at
Trek Safety:
Trek Safety is required by at least one adult for any activity on each tour. The course includes training, testing, and additional resources on outdoor risks that may be encountered during BSA activities. The course content is appropriate for Boy Scouts and Venturers as well as adult leaders. The course can be taken online at