Recruitment Chair
Job Description:
The Recruitment Chair is a member of the Troop Committee responsible for managing the recruitment of WEBELOS into the troop.
1. Update the recruitment material each year
2. Plan the recruitment Campout each Fall
3. Attend the District WEBELOS “Malls” in September and October at Roundtable
4. Plan and Conduct Troop Open Houses in October, November and December each Fall
How To:
Recruiting Material (see attachments below for files): Troop FAQ Sheet in Library
Recruiting Outing: Due to the unique rappelling program offered by Troop 1530, the recruiting campout is almost always a rappelling outing. See Outing Planning for more information.
WEBELOS Mall: Each fall, the District has an open house for all the troops from 7:00-8:00pm before Roundtable (the second Thursday of each Month at the LDS Church on Centerville Road in Herndon). All second-year WEBELOS are invited to meet with troops and set up visits. Troops do not have to register, just show up and talk to WEBELOS. The Chair shall plan to attend and display a photo slide show of the troop outings and hand out flyers.
Open House: Prior to the Recruiting Outing, the Chair shall plan an open house for WEBELOS and their parents. The parents are given the invitation and details for the Recruiting Outing as well as an outline of Scouts BSA and the Troop 1530.