Job Description:
The Scoutmaster is the Adult Leader of the Troop and a member of the “Key Three” the others being the COR and the Committee Chairman. The Scoutmaster is a volunteer who exemplifies the scouting ideas and serves as the chief adult role model for the youth of the Troop.
1. Primary Duty: Train the Youth Leaders of the Troop starting with the Senior Patrol Leader
2. Conduct Troop Leader Training
3. Mentor the Senior Patrol Leader and Patrol Leaders Council
4. Present a “Scoutmaster Minute” at the end of each Troop Gathering
5. Conduct Scoutmaster Conferences
How To:
There is nothing unique to the job of Scoutmaster in Troop 1530. Countless resources are available to prepare the Scoutmaster for their duties. Start with the Scoutmasters Handbook, attend the monthly Roundtables, annual University of Scouting, and other training opportunities.
Scoutmasters should complete all required training and ensure the Assistant Scoutmasters do the same. Scoutmasters should attend Wood Badge Training to gain the understanding of the “How” and the “Why” of scouting.
Always remember that the primary job is NOT to run the troop - but to train the Senior Patrol Leader how to be effective running the troop.