Court of Honors
Court of Honors
Refreshments Coordinator
Job Description:
The Refreshments Coordinator for Courts of Honor is a member of the Troop Committee responsible for supplying refreshments at the February and September Courts of Honor.
1. Plan and purchase snacks and drinks for Courts of Honor
How To:
Each February and September the Troop conducts Courts of Honor to recognize the advancement of the scouts. An additional Court of Honor is held in June at the Troop Picnic. The Refreshment Coordinator plans out the snacks and drinks for the Court of Honor reception for the February and September events.
The budget for refreshments is $70. How that is spent is left up to the Coordinator.
The Courts of Honor are typically held in the Pender UMC Fellowship Hall. The reception is typically held in the rear of the Fellowship Hall and therefore can be set up prior to the Court of Honor.