Advancement Chair

Job Description:

The Advancement Chair is a member of the Troop Committee who focuses on the administration of the Scouts BSA Advancement Program within the Troop. The Chair manages the advancement records of the Troop and manages the Boards of Review and Courts of Honor.


1. Review Scouts’ handbook to ensure they are ready for rank advancement

2. Arrange and conduct a Board of Review for Scout’s rank advancement when asked

3. Review Scouts’ merit badge “blue” cards for completeness

4. Record advancement in Scoutbook, which reports advancement to the National Council

5. Prepare the script for the Courts of Honor

6. Purchase rank, merit, and special badges to recognize Scouts’ achievements

7. Prepare rank, merit, and special badges certification cards to recognize Scouts’ achievements

How To:

Boards of Review:

When a scout completes rank requirements including completion of his Scoutmaster Conference, he presents his signed book to the Advancement Chair. The Advancement Chair then schedules a Board of Review. The Chair recruits at least three members of the Committee to conduct the Board of Review. For ranks of Tenderfoot through First Class, this review should take less than 15 minutes. For higher ranks, 15 - 30 minutes is appropriate. Sample Board of Review questions. Additional Guidelines for a BOR.

Courts of Honor:

The Advancement Chair works with the Senior Patrol Leader to script the Courts of Honor. Currently, the troop holds Courts of Honor three times a year: February, June (along with the Troop Picnic), and September.