Committee Chair
Job Description:
The Committee Chairman is the leader of the Troop Committee. The Chairman is one of the “Key Three” leaders of the troop; the others being the Chartering Organization Representative (COR) and the Scoutmaster. The Committee Chair has the responsibility to ensure the Committee and the Scoutmaster Corp is staffed with qualified and trained volunteers and performs its mission of providing resources for the troop.
1. Primary Duty: Recruit and train the adult leaders of the troop
2. Run the monthly Committee Meetings
3. Ensures the Committee provides the resources for the Scouts to execute the scouting program
4. Ensure Troop records are kept up to date
5. File New Scout and New Scouter Applications with Council
6. Annual Rechartering
7. Approve all Troop expenses
8. Recognize Adult Leaders with Scouter Awards
9. Liaison to the Chartering Organization (Pender Methodist Men)
How To:
Recruit and Train:
There are many jobs in the Troop. If everyone does one job, the individual load on the volunteers will be little. However, if the Chairman allows only a few volunteers to do everything, those volunteers will likely get burned out and leave behind big shoes to fill when they quit. Take every opportunity to recruit volunteers from the parents of scouts. Ask parents to volunteer when their sons join the troop and at each rechartering. Keep the jobs well defined and easy to execute. Praise each volunteer when the perform their jobs. Keep a record of all positions and corresponding volunteers. Be ready to take anyone up on an offer to help by readily being able to identify open jobs.
Every volunteer needs to be trained. Each volunteer, at a minimum, should complete Youth Protection Training. See Training for more information on the required training for each volunteer.
Run the Monthly Committee Meetings:
The Troop 1530 Committee meets monthly on the third Thursday of the month from 7:30 - 8:30 at Pender UMC Church in one of the meeting rooms. The Chairman needs to send out a reminder of each month’s meeting the Sunday prior to the meeting along with the month’s agenda.
Typical Agenda:
1. Reports:
2. COR
3. CC
4. SM
5. Treasurer
6. Advancement
7. Equipment
8. Other
9. Old Business
10. Last Month’s Outing
11. Last Month’s Spirit Night
12. Last Month’s Other Activities
13. This Month’s Outing
14. This Month’s Spirit Night
15. This Month’s Other Activities
16. New Business
17. Next Month’s Outing
18. Next Month’s Spirit Night
19. Next Month’s Other Activities
20. Issues with Troop
21. Announcements
Provide Troop Resources:
The Chairman, as the head of the Committee, must ensure that the Committee makes planning and financial decisions that provide the Troop with the resources needed for the Scout Youth Leaders to achieve their desired program. Once the Youth Leaders have decided on the plans for the yearly program, the Committee must ensure that adequate money, equipment, and approvals are in place to allow the events to occur. If the Committee cannot secure the resources needed for a particular event, the Chairman must inform the Youth Leadership via the Scoutmaster so an alternative can be identified.
Manage Troop Records:
The Chairman is the ultimate authority to ensure Troop records are kept up to date. Troop 1530 uses the Scoutbook software to maintain its records. Contact information, youth advancement information, event attendance, adult training data, all need to be kept up to date in Scoutbook.
New Scout/Scouter Applications:
All new applications for membership in the Troop come to the Committee Chair. The Chairman reviews the applications for completeness and gets Scout Applications signed by the Scoutmaster and Adult applications signed by the Chartering Organization Representative. Once signed and completed, the Chairman ensures the information is entered into the Scoutbook software, added to the contacts to the e-mail group, and then submits the applications to Council. Currently, there are two paths to submit these: Turn them into the District Executive, or the District Registrar. Ensure dues and Boy's Life subscription is collected and submitted to council. Scouts and/or Scouters registering outside of rechartering are to be charged a pro-rated basis (Registration year is the calendar year).
Annual Rechartering:
Each year, the Troop must recharter with the BSA. In December, the Unit Commissioner will provide a rechartering package with instructions for completing the charter. The Chairman must then:
1. Ensure each scout and scouter is remaining with the troop
2. Ensure contact information for each scout and scouter is accurate in
3. Ensure annual dues are collected from each member
4. Ask each parent to volunteer for a position: committee position, outing coordinator, special event coordinator, Assistant Scoutmaster, merit badge counselor, and/or Board of Review member
5. Complete the charter on-line per instructions
6. Print out charter application and secure approval of the Charter Organization Representative
Approve all Troop expenses:
1. Ensure Each expense presented to the Treasurer must be approved by both the Treasurer and the Chairman. The Chairman can approve expenses unilaterally if within the approved budget.
2. For expenses outside of the approved budget, the Chairman must secure the approval of the rest of the committee.
Adult Recognitions:
It is the responsibility of the Chairman to ensure that adult volunteers are recognized for their contributions. One way to do this is to submit them for Scouter Awards. The three “Knot” awards available for adult volunteers are below. More information can be found at Awards Central on the BSA website.
Scouter Training Award
Scoutmaster Key
Unit Leader Award of Merit
Each Spring, the Powhatan District recognizes a Unit Leader at its Annual Dinner. The Chairman can nominate any troop adult leader as its “Unit Scouter Award” recipient. See the Unit Commissioner for information.
Gifts, certificates, or trinkets can be given to the adult volunteers at the annual June picnic. Be creative.
Charter Liaison:
The Chairman is the main point of contact between the Charter Organization’s Representative and the Troop. The Chairman keeps the COR informed about the Troop’s activities and any issues and answers to the COR for concerns of the Charter.